Hasbulla is a TikTok star, model, and social media influencer from Makhachkala in Dagestan Republic in Russia. Due to a growth hormone deficiency he looks like an infant while speaking in a high-pitched voice.
He first gained notoriety after appearing in a viral video where he lectured a bicycle rider about pandemic restrictions. Since then he has worked with numerous MMA stars like Khabib Nurmagomedov and Dana White.
He is a TikTok star
Hasbulla age is a rising TikTok star from Dagestan, Russia. His videos of daredevil stunts and pranks have amassed millions of views, earning him fans around the world. Hasbulla has collaborated with notable mixed martial arts personalities like Khabib Nurmagomedov, Dana White and Nelk Boys; all known for their distinct styles.
Hasbulla was born with dwarfism, a genetic condition resulting in stunted growth. Though only a few feet tall and weighing only around 70 pounds, this has not prevented him from leading a full and active life with an infectious enthusiasm that has won him numerous followers on Instagram and TikTok.
Hasbulla is widely recognized for his striking resemblance to UFC star Khabib Nurmagomedov, and as such is known by the nickname of “Mini Khabib.” Distinguished for his aggressive style and confident demeanor, Hasbulla often challenges famous MMA stars to fight each other and has even appeared in viral videos featuring himself doing donuts on public roads! Hasbulla currently lives in Makhachkala, capital city of Dagestan.
He is a devout follower of Islam
Hasbulla is a devout Muslim, and his faith dictates many aspects of his life. He frequently recites verses from the Quran and visited Mecca – the holiest site in Islam – several times. Furthermore, Hasbulla takes great pride in being from Dagestan; his culture greatly informs his worldview and behavior.
He uses his unique case of dwarfism to inspire others and promote self-esteem, but some people argue that his fame demeans other little people with dwarfism. They cite how this condition can cause anxiety and depression; hence it’s crucial that individuals with this condition are treated with dignity.
Hasbulla is a devout Muslim but enjoys engaging in risky activities. He has posted videos in which he stands up in a car while its driver floors it, brandishes a fork as an weapon and plays around with an Airsoft gun; additionally he can often be seen counting large stacks of cash! Hasbulla hopes to start his own business and study the Quran to become both a lawyer and theologian.
He is a fan of mixed martial arts
Hasbulla Magomedov, a young Russian with an unusual form of dwarfism who enjoys fast cars and fist fights, has quickly become an internet celebrity among MMA enthusiasts after videos featuring him went viral on Tik Tok and Instagram. Additionally, his passion for MMA has allowed him to collaborate with fighters such as Khabib Nurmagomedov and Dana White – giving him plenty of chances for collaboration opportunities within MMA itself.
Hasbulla first became notable during the COVID-19 pandemic by posting videos of himself sparring and boxing, leading him to an invitation from Chechen MMA star Islam Makhachev for a fight, where they quickly formed friendships. Later on he went viral again for creating a video mocking Khabib’s UFC weighin; and earned himself the moniker “Mini Khabib.”
Since then, he has expanded into other areas and amassed an impressive following on Instagram by regularly posting pictures with luxury cars he owns or drives himself. Additionally, he often engages in verbal sparring against rival Abdu Rozik and often makes remarks critical of him and vice versa.
He is a private person
Hasbulla is a private person, preferring to keep his family life out of the spotlight. Born to plumber parents, his family encouraged his passion for comedy to develop into his career path. Amongst all this he is also a devout Muslim with one sister.
Hasbulla was diagnosed with growth hormone deficiency, also referred to as dwarfism, at birth but his charming personality and willingness to talk trash have earned him widespread internet recognition. First noticed in 2021 during the COVID-19 pandemic when posting videos on TikTok and Instagram about holding press conferences with Tajik singer Abdu Rozik who also suffers from this genetic condition – thus becoming internet famous as well.
Hasbulla is known for engaging in reckless antics such as pulling pranks and driving fast cars – all while fighting! A huge fan of mixed martial arts (MMA), including working alongside high-profile fighters such as Khabib Nurmagomedov – Hasbulla belongs to a generation Z bro culture including influential groups like Nelk Boys.