Media take out is a website specializing in celebrity news and gossip, founded in 2006, that has proven extremely popular since. Organized as an interactive blog-style news article format, Media take out targets a niche audience through targeted news stories.
This site gathers its juicy information from insiders who work for celebrities – mostly staff workers but sometimes friends or relatives of celebrity figures themselves.
Fred Mwangaguhunga
Fred Mwangaguhunga, founder of media take out, gained much from his experience when building his business. He studied how top news sites and social media channels gained new subscribers by understanding what readers wanted from them and developing strong brand equity.
He founded his website mediatakeout to focus on celebrity gossip and soon after began receiving visitors. Starting it cost less than $600; today it is worth millions.
Most of the juicy details found on the website come from insider sources such as staff workers and close associates like bodyguards, girlfriends and hairstylists who have strong ties to celebrities. Furthermore, many of these sources possess access to private information.
However, this approach has not been without controversy. Fred’s scathing review of Kanye West’s fashion show at Madison Garden caused tension between them; furthermore, allegations have been leveled against them for publishing false stories on their website.
Business model
Media Take Out’s business model relies heavily on advertisements. Their unique content attracts many viewers, which helps the website earn significant amounts from ads. Their owner, Fred Mwangaguhunga, researched how other news and social media websites expanded their businesses before adapting these models into his own website.
This website attracts a substantial amount of traffic from social media sites, and their use to spread celebrity gossip to a broad audience has significantly accelerated the site’s expansion within just a short timeframe.
Fred believes that money can open lips that sink ships, so his website does not name or reveal its sources of information – such as bodyguards, hairstylists or ex-partners of celebrities he knows well – because such names would compromise sources that might otherwise give away information that is important. His website primarily features urban celebrity stories.
Media Take Out is a celebrity news and gossip website offering its users up-to-date celebrity gossip and news. The unique content attracts many viewers, helping Media Take Out generate revenue through advertising. Furthermore, its strong social media presence brings traffic directly to its site.
Fred Mwangaguhunga originally owned and ran a laundry, but quickly switched business models after witnessing how top news websites and social media sites had success expanding their businesses. By learning to tailor his site’s content and focus on meeting audience needs, his site became instantly successful.
Facebook is an enormous social network and one of the top websites on the Internet according to Alexa, and offers businesses an effective platform for growing their brand and increasing traffic to their website. You can track your Facebook ads using Google Analytics’ UTM campaign, source, medium term term content identifiers which will then appear in your Traffic Acquisition report.
Media Take Out is one of the premier sources for celebrity gossip and news, providing updates in an accessible way that appeals to its readership. Furthermore, its eye-catching headlines capture everyone’s interest.
Media take out is often told from inside sources such as staff workers and former colleagues of celebrities – such as bodyguards or ex-girlfriends of those involved. Fred recognizes that money can soften lips that otherwise might reveal embarrassing information, which is why he pays his informants handsomely.
Social media networks such as Facebook are also used by Media Take Out to expand readership. When stories are posted to Facebook, they get shared out and directed back to Media Take Out’s site – this enables it to attract a larger audience without spending as much on advertising. Some of its most talked-about rumors include Michael Jordan’s divorce and Kim Kardashian’s pregnancy announcements.