Think of a situation – you are getting late for a meeting or work, but you cannot find your car keys or unlock the door lock. Well, we all have been there and such situations are extremely stressful. The keys are the most vital part of any vehicle. Broken, damaged or lost keys can lead to unsafe, inconvenient and stressful car lockout situation, which demands for an immediate solution. So, rather than panicking and wasting time, you should immediately call an automotive locksmith.
To help you better understand when to call a professional and reputable locksmith, here are 9 situations when making a contact would be necessary.
#1 You lost your car keys
The most common reason when people seek locksmith services is when they lose or misplace car keys. You may have placed your keys at home, but cannot remember or you have lost your keys while shopping at a mall. Regardless of where and how you lost your keys, a locksmith can come to your rescue. They will arrive at your location with all the required tools they need to unlock the door without causing any damage to the lock. You can also ask them to make a copy of your original key.
#2 You accidentally left the keys in your car
Sometimes, people get out of the car in the middle to grab something and leave the keys in the ignition. In such situations, they end up locking their car doors from outside. The doors get locked and you cannot open them unless you have another key. This can be very frustrating to realize that a small mistake leads to stressful consequences. But, as soon as you call an emergency locksmith, he will come to you and help you unlock the door in no time.
#3 You broke the car key inside the lock
It’s not only the lock that can put you in a trouble. Over time, the keys also develop wear and tear and it may break at any time. If the car key is broken, it may no longer unlock the door. If you try to force the broken key, it can cause the key to break completely and even cause damage to the lock. Even a spare key wouldn’t work because the bottom half of the key will still be inside the lock. Calling a locksmith is the only feasible solution as he will be able to pull out the broken key as well as help you make a new pair of keys.
#4 You have only one car key
If you have lost or misplaced keys just once, you know how important it is to have a duplicate key. So, rather than finding yourself in a stressful situation when you lose a key, it is better to make a copy of your original key. In that case, you can call a locksmith near me who can help you make duplicate keys using the latest key-cutting devices. Even if you don’t have the original key, they will still make a key as long as you provide evidence that the car is yours.
#5 You have bought a used car
If you have bought a second-hand car, there are high chances that the car has only one set of keys. Moreover, you may always live in fear that the previous owner has the keys of your car. Therefore, to rule out all possibilities, it is recommended that you rekey your lock or change the lock entirely by calling a professional locksmith.
#6 Issues with your car key fob
Key fobs are usually quite durable and add an extra layer of security. However, that doesn’t mean there will never be an issue. They also develop wear and tear over time, and can malfunction anytime. So, if your key fob starts showing signs of malfunctioning, you should consider it replacing before it lets you down totally. Modern locksmiths are well-trained in dealing with key fobs of all car makes and models. Moreover, they are also equipped with the software to program the new fob device.
#7 You want to reprogram your key
The keys are connected to your car through a programming process. Each key is uniquely coded to match a particular car. That’s the reason you cannot open another car of the identical model from your key. Every key needs to be programmed to unlock the vehicle. Some automotive locksmiths are also expert in programming the keys along with the vehicle.
#8 You want your car locks to be rekeyed, repaired or replaced
If there is anything wrong with your car locks, a professional locksmith can help you fix the issue. If your car door locks just need to be rekeyed for security purpose, a locksmith can do it very efficiently. If your locks have not been functioning properly and they need little repairing, a locksmith is able to do it. If they are damaged beyond repair, then they are also competent in replacing the locks completely. No matter what problem you face with your car lock and key, just feel free to ask them.
#9 There is a problem with your car electronic security system
Just like any other electronic device, your car electronic security system may also malfunction and stop working. A professional locksmith can also help you in situations like this by running a diagnostic test and identify the problem. If the issue is fixable, he will repair the system right away. But, if the issue is beyond his ability, he will recommend a good electronic security expert.
The Bottom Line Each vehicle manufacturer takes different measures to ensure the safety of their vehicles. Preventing them from being stolen is the essential part, which is why they tend to install the best locking systems. In a lockout situation, whether your key is damaged or lost, it demands for a professional locksmith who is well-versed in the latest technology and have years of experience in unlocking a range of locks. An accomplished car locksmith can help you out in any situation.