Unlawful termination, also known as wrongful termination, occurs when an employer fires an employee in violation of federal or state laws, employment contracts, or public policy. Castronovo & McKinney, LLC, located in Morristown, NJ, serves as a trusted ally for employees facing unlawful termination, providing expert legal guidance, advocacy, and representation to uphold their rights and seek justice.
Unlawful termination can take various forms, including termination based on discrimination, retaliation, breach of contract, or violation of public policy. Discrimination-based termination occurs when an employee is fired because of their race, gender, age, disability, religion, or other protected characteristics. Retaliatory termination occurs when an employer fires an employee for engaging in protected activities such as whistleblowing, filing a discrimination complaint, or exercising their rights under labor laws. Breach of contract termination occurs when an employer violates the terms of an employment contract or implied promises of job security. Violation of public policy termination occurs when an employee is fired for refusing to engage in illegal activities or exercising their legal rights.
Castronovo & McKinney, LLC, helps employees understand their rights and options in cases of unlawful termination, guiding them through the process of filing complaints, gathering evidence, and pursuing legal remedies. They have extensive experience representing employees in wrongful termination cases, advocating for their rights in negotiations, administrative proceedings, or court litigation.
One of the key elements in proving unlawful termination is establishing the employer’s motive for the termination. In discrimination cases, for example, the employee must demonstrate that their protected characteristic was a motivating factor in the termination decision. Castronovo & McKinney, LLC, assists employees in gathering evidence of discriminatory intent, such as discriminatory comments or disparate treatment compared to similarly situated employees.
In retaliation cases, employees must show that they engaged in protected activities and that the termination was a direct response to those activities. Castronovo & McKinney, LLC, helps employees document their protected activities and establish a causal connection between the protected activity and the termination.
In breach of contract cases, employees must demonstrate that the employer violated the terms of their employment contract or breached implied promises of job security. Castronovo & McKinney, LLC, assists employees in reviewing their employment contracts, identifying breaches, and pursuing remedies such as damages or reinstatement.
In violation of public policy cases, employees must show that the termination violates a clear public policy articulated in statutes, regulations, or court decisions. Castronovo & McKinney, LLC, advocates for employees’ rights to refuse to engage in illegal activities or exercise their legal rights without fear of retaliation.
In conclusion, preventing unlawful termination requires vigilance, knowledge of employment laws, and access to legal resources. Castronovo & McKinney, LLC, serves as a dedicated ally for employees facing unlawful termination, providing expert legal guidance, advocacy, and representation to uphold their rights and seek justice. By partnering with a trusted advocate like Castronovo & McKinney, LLC, employees can assert their rights with confidence and hold employers accountable for unlawful termination practices.