There are sure to be tell-tale signs of aging evident on the face as you begin to advance in years. While the deft application of cosmetics may work for a time, the aging indications can no longer be masked after a certain period. You do not have to worry in the east, however. Instead, go for a consultation with a renowned cosmetic surgeon and learn about the deep plane facelifts that have replaced the traditional facelifts of late.
There is no reason for anxiety though. You will be pleased to note that the deep-seated age-related signs can be reversed to a great extent by this technique. Be sure to discuss the procedure with an experienced surgeon who is not only knowledgeable and trained in surgery but also understands your problems well.
Why should you opt for the deep plane facelifts?
First things first though! You must be well informed about the procedure to be equipped for making the decision. It is indeed heartening to know that the surgeon will not merely reposition the superficial facial skin to improve your appearance. Instead, the professional will lift the skin along with the underlying muscles to release the tension. The skin will be re-positioned at the right angle as well. The outcome will be eye-catching with no pulled look giving your secrets away.
The almost miraculous effect of this type of cosmetic surgery will be most obvious with the following revealing marked improvement:
- Reduction/elimination of jowls
- Elimination of double chin
- Droopy cheeks
- Excessive skin in the neckline
- Firm soft tissue in the mid-face region
- Marked improvement of skin under the eyelids
- Remarkably youthful-looking skin that will make you appear younger by almost 10 to 12 years
Are you a good candidate?
Well, this is a question that patients never fail to ask, as most of them are plagued with anxiety about undergoing such extensive surgery. No worries! You will have your mind set to rest by the surgeon who will inform you about the qualifying factors. You will thus be able to breathe easy and opt for the procedure once you meet the following criteria:
- Age between 40 to 70 years
- Of good general health
- No long-standing health conditions
- No bleeding disorders
- Realistic expectations
Sure, the outcome will vary from individual to individual but you are sure to appreciate the following after undergoing the procedure successfully: –
- Natural appearance with no indication of surgery being evident
- Minimal Scarring
- Long lasting results
- Few wrinkles
- Firm and impressive contours
- No laxity of skin visible
- Tight neck with no signs of sagging skin
- Facial rejuvenation
- Smooth and blemish-free facial skin
- Elimination of deep nasolabial folds
- No pulled look
Deep plane facelifts are worth every dime, with a majority of patients expressing their satisfaction. The costs tend to vary across the clinics and other facilities. However, it is a good idea to opt for the surgery performed by an experienced and board-certified cosmetic surgeon. Recovery is also varied and differs from patient to patient. However, you may expect the healing to be complete within 10-14 days after the procedure.