Skyward family access allows parents, students and guardians to view information regarding a student from home. They can check on attendance records, messages sent and food service balances among other things.
Skyward/Family Access provides real-time updates. For instance, when a child charges lunch on Monday at noon and checks into Skyward/Family Access shortly afterwards – these charges show up about two minutes after charging it!
Student Information
Student and parents can log onto Skyward FBISD for real-time information about their students. This includes grade reports, attendance records, test scores, food service balances, and immunization dates as well as verifying emergency contact info is up-to-date.
Information provided here is drawn from data stored in Skyward student database and updated real time. Parents and students should keep their login user name and password confidential; to do so they should request one from their student’s campus secretary.
Parents and students can access Skyward Family Access from any computer with Internet access. In addition, Skyward’s website features a mobile app for easy on-the-go access which is available both through iTunes and Android app stores. Our live customer support team are on standby 24/7 to answer questions about Skyward and help create accounts if required – both services are free!
Parent/Guardian Access
Parent/Guardian involvement is an integral component of education. Parents/Guardians have various ways they can become engaged with their student’s education. One such means is through Family Access – this web based platform allows parents/guardians to check grades and learn more about schedules, activities, etc for each of their students enrolled at our schools – making this an excellent tool.
Skyward Family Access also allows families online access to immunization records and school menus, verify that emergency contact details are up-to-date, course selection/scheduling features as well as course selection/scheduling functionality.
Start by registering a LaunchPad account and Skyward Family Access with their school office for both. After receiving their username and password, a parent/guardian can log into this website from anywhere with Internet access; should any issues arise regarding these systems they should reach out for assistance from their child’s school directly.
Mobile Access
Skyward Family Access makes having mobile access to your student’s information quick and easy, providing parents and students access to course grades, homework assignments, attendance history, behavior history and transcripts as well as school calendars – all free through your device’s app store!
Skyward mobile app now gives parents instantaneous access to your student’s state assessment results such as STAAR grades 3-8, End-of-Course STAAR and TELPAS (Texas English Language Proficiency Assessment System). This new feature was made possible thanks to an effort between Spring Branch ISD and Texas Education Agency that will give families direct access to this important data.
Other features include improved menu navigation, home screen widgets and push notifications for students and employees. Please be aware that lunch charges will only appear on Skyward/Family Access approximately two minutes after their data entry by a lunch room employee. Students can pay their fees online through eFunds or send/drop off fees directly at their child’s school.
Emergency Contact Information
An emergency contact is the person medical professionals and others will call in case of an emergency, so it’s essential that they be someone you trust who will step up when things become critical. Furthermore, your contact should have access to your medical history as well as being able to explain any relevant details clearly and understandably.
Emergency contacts must also have the capability of keeping other people up-to-date about the situation, for instance by informing everyone who they are and what their role is in an emergency situation. This will prevent unnecessary drama from escalating when an incident arises.
Skyward family Access is an invaluable tool that enables parents and students to stay informed on the progress of their student. It is free for use and available across most devices with internet connectivity – either by browsing directly through a browser, or downloading the Skyward Mobile Access App on Android or iPhone devices.