Identification is now moving at a quicker pace with the combination of the newest developments in DNA science and digital; technology. One that is gaining more attention than most is the concept of digital name tags and badges.
This has the potential to revolutionize and speed up identification processes and even improve safety and security measures.
What Makes a Digital Name Tag?
Name tags have been traditionally worn using pins and lanyards, or stitched on clothing. They displayed the name, affiliation and rank of a person within an organization, making introductions and networking easier and less time consuming.
But using traditional name tags and badges had limitations. They could become outdated if the person was promoted, and stitched badges would need to be redone when this happened. Those used with pins and lanyards displayed static information.
These name badges and tags are also less environmentally-friendly, as they are often made of plastic and could not be reused.
But with digital name tags and badges, they can be equipped with QR codes and printed using name print graphics (NPG) technology. One example is Youwho badges, which is a professional name badge system that allows users to download and print from the cloud.
Other digital badges can also be updated in real time using near field communication (NFC) printing technology. The software can have a wireless link to any device in short range, allowing for easy printing anywhere. NFC technology also allows a tag that can link to a person’s social media profiles.
Youwho badges and other digital tags can be customized, allowing for the user to choose a specific design or font to make their badges unique and visually appealing.
Another advantage that digital name tags offer is their interactivity. With QR codes and NFC technology, you can exchange contact information quickly through a simple scan or tapping a device to the tag.
The Potential of Using Digital Name Tags
Using this technology holds so much potential for the identification process, and also could improve security measures in many organizations.
Corporate Environments
Using digital technology for your corporate name tags makes for a more secure and dynamic workplace. Employees can easily access areas, while management can secure areas that are limited to specific individuals.
Also, the tags could be easily updated when an employee gets a promotion or a new job title. New employees can be easily identified, and given the proper onboarding needed.
Conferences and Trade Events
Using this technology can also streamline networking in any business conference or event.
When meeting with potential clients or partners, there is no need to exchange business cards as the information can be quickly downloaded into their devices, such as mobile phones.
The Next Revolution for Digital Technology is in Identification
Digital name tags are a leap forward in identification, with technology making identification information easily accessible. However, there are still concerns with such access, and it is up to organizations and companies offering this technology to ensure users that their information is still secure, and could only be accessed by the proper networks.
For more information about Name Tags and Office Door Name Plates Please visit: Imprint Plus.